

Kindly check if you meet the desired requirements so as to attain a scholarship at Shallom Mission Bible College.

  • You are a full-time student (at least 12 points).
  • You applied for financial aid on time.
  • You are meeting the Satisfactory Academic Progress standards.
  • You have approximately the same amount of financial need that you had in prior years.

Failure to meet the stipulated requirements will make your application vague and we may not process your scholarshop.

Contact the dean today and we will assist you in filling the scholarship application forms.

All of our scholarships will be posted on this page, continue to refresh for updates.

Contact For Scholarship

We are open on Monday – Friday at 9 am and 4pm, except on holidays.

Shallom Mission Bible College Admissions Center

Auckland plaza
1st floor room 17
P.O Box 87,20106,
Molo Kenya

Phone : +254716146717

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I eligible for the scholarship?

Kindly check our requirements tab and contact us today so that we can assist you.

How do I know if a course is suitable for me?

Visit the courses section and download course overview, kindy email us or call us if you face any challenges when choosing a course.

How do I pay for my school fees?

Visit the application tab and download the fee structure attached. Also call our professionals if in need of professional guidance.

Online payment mode

Most bank cards are accepted. You can also pay using M-Pesa (For east Africa)

How do I become a DONOR

Please visit and become a blessing to a student