Daniel’s Generation is a Global Prayer Ministry which is an arm of Shallom Mission Bible College
Ministries Incorporated. Prayer based organization, with members in the following countries; Nigeria,
Ghana, Cameroon, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, South Africa, India, U.K and Germany and the
USA. Membership is free and open to all Christians around the world. To join us, follow our Facebook
page link Daniel’s Generation, like the page and send us a message or send an email to
danielgeneration@outlook.com. You can also leave your details here on our website.
Daniel’s Generation monthly meetings are held online on WhatsApp group page for convenience.
Members are notified about the meeting via a daily bread broadcast sent every day. There’s also a
Daniel’s Generation annual International Prayer Conference which rotates among members’ countries
where members meet for Prayers, Praise Fellowship and a great time of refreshing in the presence of
the Lord (Psalms 100 & 122, )
To raise a minimum of a million strong, faithful and Bible believing prayer warriors around the world. To
preach and teach the true martyrs gospel (1 Corinthians 2:1-16, 2 Corinthians 4:1-7).
To raise a generation of people that fears nothing but God, a strong prayers and worship generation that
will honor God with their lives, time, and material resources, and a generation of people that will spread
the love of God to the poor, the less privilege and the lust. (Daniel 11:32, 1Timothy2:1-8, Acts 9:36-39).
• Prayers and fasting centers in around the world, open to all Christians.
• Bible school / College.
• Ministry to the needy.
• Empowerment Programme
• Evangelism Programme